Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time passes quickly now, and it is already election season - and we can see that NC is now a officially a battleground state. I won't say who I'll vote for, and I won't ask you. There are different opinions on which candidate will guide us best, and some people don't like either one. There is one thing which we can rest easy about, though, despite some of the rhetoric floating around.

Neither party is going to do anything drastic about gun control.

There is some talk about major new regulations, but I think both parties (remember, the good thing about our system is that there are three stages to any new regulations) realize as a whole that our gun laws if properly applied do as good a job as need be done. There may need to be some adjustments as we go forward - to deny that is to deny that the world does change. Mental health reporting is one area that we have seen might need some tweaking, but overall if our current gun laws are applied reasonably, they do help safeguard us and at the same time allow for the timely purchase of firearms by people who are responsible adults.

Of course, in NC a concealed handgun license allows you to purchase a firearm without going through the time or trouble it takes to get a pistol purchase permit; this is just one of the benefits of having a concealed pistol permit, and DoubleTap Concealed offers concealed handgun permit classes for just $120.00.

At the end of our class, you will have the proper forms necessary to go to your local NC sheriff's office and get your actual concealed handgun permit. Give us a call at 704-953-5107 to ask questions or get details on upcoming classes, or go to our website, You can pay there via PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal ID to pay, don't worry), and there is a form for registering or if you have any questions.

Have a great October, and if you are a hunter, fill the freezer up!

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