Monday, November 12, 2012

The election is over, and freedom reigns!

The election is over, and once again America has carried off the trick which has kept us strong for over 200 years. We can agree to disagree on many different things – gun owners and enthusiasts come from all walks and aspects of life, and come from liberal, conservative and a large mix of both backgrounds.

One thing that we can all agree on is that firearms are an inherited freedom, straight from the founding fathers of this country, and that they stand for more than hunting, or target shooting or any other sport or activity you do with them. From the beginning, our ancestor’s knew the power of guns for protection – protection from threats that were as big as our country (thank goodness we don’t have to worry about that much anymore), and on a more personal nature.

DoubleTap Concealed takes these freedoms seriously – that is one reason we got into the idea of supplying advanced training for pistols. All concealed handgun classes in NC must cover the same material, but we make the material fun and easy to understand. Our goal for the classes is to have all of our students comfortable with the handgun of their choice and aware of the law.

These freedoms come with a huge responsibility – every gun owner must take them seriously.

Here hoping everyone has a great Thanksgiving and Christmas season!

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